Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!! - Episode 1

Time to start something new. Seeing as the School Days are behind us, I decided to change the title of the blog to a more neutral "Kevin Watches Anime". It was still up for grabs and I think it works pretty alright.

This time around I'm going with a recommendation from a different friend who told me to watch "Twintail" and this seems to be it. Crunchyroll did have it and it is available for me just... It's not with English subtitles. So now the question is... do I go for German or French... I haven't had to use either in years. French used to be better but seeing as German is closer to Dutch (which is my native language by the by) I might have to go with that one instead.
Also apparently this is another anime where only the first couple episode are any good, but we all know that's not gonna stop me.

Nope. I can't do it. Yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee, finding myself a version with English subs.

That's... an odd thing to comment on. I mean, I'd be more surprised if it wasn't a partial name-drop.
I have yet to learn this guys name (who I take is the main protagonist) but he's already obsessed with girls... though in a more subtle way? He's got a real hair-fetish going on. So much that he wants to start a club about it. Don't know if I trust "clubs" much these days, but alright. Whatever, weirdo.

Onto the intro which seemingly introduces us to the other characters (or at least spoils who's gonna be important). There's Erina, who was introduced by name two seconds into the anime (the blonde chick), and there's that black haired girl the first bit kept focusing on and finally there's a white/silver haired girl who doesn't have the titular twin-tails, yet seems to be surprisingly infatuated with Soji (our main character). But due to her lack of twintails I smell zaniness.
Oh it is? I was under the impression it wouldn't be.
Hey! Show some class! We save our beach scenes for their own episodes. You can't just squander it on the intro.
Although.. from what I gather our main characters turn into weird robo-strippers that can fly. This seems to include Soji by the way, who also seems to be undergoing a gender change. I'm really interested to see them explain that one.
I'm also getting the feeling the white haired chick is purely there for fanservice. Outside of the first shot of her latching onto Soji all she's been in this intro is jiggle physics.
Overall the intro was fine though. I liked the song and the action looks pretty cool.

And then suddenly these two just start fight in the middle of a conversation. I hate it when people do that. It's so rude.
Anyhow, we learn that these characters are actually related (they share a grandfather) though I don't think they're sibling. At least I hope not because I think Soji's mom was hitting on the other girl. I don't know what else to make of this.

Um.. that escalated quickly?
I guess we won't know. That's all that scene was. Outside of the shadow of the thing chasing her, which kinda looked like a bad hair day Godzilla.

Soji and the other girl (we gonna get a name anytime soon?) are finishing up work in their curry restaurant and discussing Soji's club idea when they notices "Jiggles" sitting there pretending to read a newspaper when suddenly this happens.
Real classy.
But then she goes over to sit with Soji which the other girl doesn't like and then she tries to hit Jiggles but then...
Okay, so that second one turns out to not be true, I think. (I'm watching you)
And Jiggles finally introduces herself.
Yeah, no.
She then offers Soji a bracelet.. because he likes twin-tails...
The other girl rightfully thinks that's weird but Jiggles claims it isn't.
You said it.
Jiggles then starts begging Soji to put it on insisting that he must and that it isn't a weird scam like the other girl thought it was.
Yeah? Well.. ...Damn it, she got me...
(Also the other girl is Aika. We finally got her name, thank god.)
Anyways, Jiggles tells Soji that she'll do anything for him to out the bracelet on and the twin-tails are brought up yet again. I'm gonna have to check TvTropes on this later but that's just an unusual euphemism isn't it?
Well Jiggles did offer her twins to him, though he immediately turns them down.
She then tells Soji that if he doesn't help her all the twin-tails will disappear which causes him to agree, have the bracelet slapped on and transported elsewhere along with the two girls.

Anime is weird.

So after they reappear we discover they've been transported a 20 minute drive away where we find the girl shown earlier in the episode and in the Godzilla scene who, get this, HAD HER LOVE FOR AND MEMORIES OF TWINTAILS STOLEN FROM HER BY A MONSTER CALLED AN ELEMILIAN.

Anime is weird.

So there's people in skintight bodysuits with guns that fire giant bubbles that ensnare girls with twintails to bring them to their leader, who is a guy in a lizard suit that claims twin-tails are a destructive force.


I.. you get my point, right?
Anyways, we see that the ultimate twin-tails belong to Erina who is being taken to the Lizard Guy.

Well... Duh. I mean.. how else would you do it?

So... apparently Soji is going to have to fight the Elemilians by donning the most powerful suit of armor, the Tail Gear...
I'm honestly laughing at this point, this is ridiculous. It's wonderfully ridiculous. This has to be some sort of parody, right?

Okay, yeah. I'm convinced it is now.
The Lizard Guy (who I guess is just the Elemilian) comments on how easily she? could defeat the Ultiroids and demands to know who she is.
Jiggles states that it's time for the grand introduction which Soji starts until...
I know that falling over thing is a definite anime trope, but it was really funny seeing the entire crowd do it in unison.
In any case, Soji chooses the name Tailred only to...

So basically that who fight scene was freaking amazing because of how over the top and silly it was.
Afterwards Erina thanks Tailred before being attack by her pile of maids.
Then we see this guy...
I take it he's the main villain and he controls a bunch of other reptile people as well. Along with having the greatest motivation known to man.
And the ending was pretty good.

So that was the first episode of "Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!!" I really didn't know what to think at first, but once I realized it was a parody and stopped trying to question the logic behind it I enjoyed it a lot more. It was really weird, but I definitely did enjoy myself. 

But anime is still really weird.

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