Thursday, April 21, 2016

School Days - Alternate Endings (Bonus)

Alright, so… I guess I lied. Guess who’s watching more School Days! We’re gonna watch all the alternate endings today (which I believe are from the various visual novel incarnations that I later learned this whole thing was based on. Makes a lot of sense actually..). I might split them up if this post gets too long, but let’s do this.


Oh my god, so basically. Kotonoha is too obsessed with Makoto to let him go. So when he chooses Sekai instead you let’s herself falls off the building and dies really fucking graphically. Going with the rest of the series I feel that ending could work but.. That’s dark. And the ending itself was already dark.

“The Bloody End Conclusion”

Just from the title alone you know this one’s gonna be good.

Well that was disturbing. We get a really awkward ten minutes of Kotonoha being in Matoko’s house while he’s fucking Sekai in the room next door. And then in the end Kotonoha sees paint buckets and that suddenly makes her decide to kill Sekai in public by slitting her throat. Wow that was graphic.

“To My Child”

So apparently at the start Sekai is already gone and Kotonoha had Makoto’s baby.
And then she returns to stab him and is distraught when he tells her he loved her, and then he just kinda… stumbles along until he eventually dies.

“Pushed Too Far”

This is the last bad ending, so I don’t like where this is going looking at the title…

So in this one Sekai gets pregnant with some other guy’s baby and Kotonoha admits defeat and say she’ll support the two of them. Only for Makoto to tell her he doesn’t want to tell with someone else’s baby. Taisuke's nonetheless. Apparently Sekai blame Kotonoha for making him think that. So Makoto tells her this and she says she’s willing to forgive Sekai for that because she’s still her friend and brought them together after all.


Makoto tries to pull her away and manages to grab her hand, before the train rips away everything else.



Another excellent title here.

That ending was.. not very noteworthy. He’s still with Sekai but is fucking Hikari on the side for some reason. Also I think she might be pregnant now.

“Everyone’s Makoto”

That… sure is a title…

So the scenario here is basically the same as the last one except Hikari apparently wants to arrange for him to have sex with different other girls each they. And he seems surprisingly morally obligated to this fact considering he’s still with Sekai. That seems strangely caring for his character this late into the anime. Is his character different in the game?

“The Earnest Feelings Are Rewarded”

So this one starts off with Makoto realizing he’s loved Katou all along and it’s actually kind of sweet. He seems to be sincere when he tells her he remains loyal to her. After the (cut) sex scene they apparently turn out to be constantly arguing. But it turns out they’re still okay so.. I dunno.

“Goodbye Sekai”

So.. Sekai has buggered off and apparently everyone’s become distant with Makoto. Yet he’s somehow still together with two girls I’ve never seen before (who seemed both twins yet very young. So.. part score, part gross.) He gets a letter from France, probably from Setsuna but he just tosses it out. This one was kinda weird.

“Two Lovers”

Okay so this one starts out with the lesbian option I jokingly suggested in an earlier post, before them deciding to have a polygamous relationship and be stuck with perma-threesomes. Also they’re both pregnant… what?

“I’m His Wife”

So in this one.. Setsuna sends Makoto a letter from France with a picture showing she’s pregnant. Somehow I found a couple of these endings weirder than the one we got in the anime itself.

“Love Fulfilled”

So Sekai is sitting outside depressed thinking Makoto won’t come see her when Setsuna comes over and tells her about how apparently Makoto made plans with Kotonoha (which upsets her even more) before eventually implying that he basically already chose for her. He then shows up, they say they love each other and make out. A lot of these endings might work better for me if I knew the exact events leading up to them because it’s not what I thought they would be where they’re just alternate endings to the anime. Oh well.


In this one Sekai is once again upset, though inside her own home. Makoto comes at her door apologizing for something but she won’t forgive them. Eventually her mother comes home they eat some desserts and mentions that her boyfriend is still outside waiting for her and he wouldn’t move until Sekai accepted his apology. After which they’re reunited. Again, Makoto seems a lot more likeable in this scene than he was in any episode past the third of the anime. Was he just really Flanderized when they adapted it into an anime?

“Setsuna’s Wish”

In this one I think it’s implied Sekai and Makoto are together as they see Setsuna before she leaves for France. Although she and Makoto casually discuss sexting each other in front of Sekai. She doesn’t appreciate it but seems to take it far too well regardless.

“With Honesty”

Nothing to noteworthy here, Sekai thinks Makoto picked Kotonoha instead. He didn’t, they love each other.

“I Love You”

Well, there’s an ending to could’ve really been an alternate one to the anime if we didn’t have Makoto having that make out session with Kotonoha in that last episode and went for this instead. Not sure if that would’ve been a satisfying conclusion to Kotonoha’s story it’s certainly something.

“To Kotonoha”, “It Begins With The First Kiss” & “After the kiss”

These were basically if they ended it at the end of episode 2 or something like that. All three are the same for the most part it’s just their conclusion that’s different. Makoto starts out by berating Sekai and Nanami for sending the bitch squad after Kotonoha before pulling a big damn heroes, saving the latter from the former. He then has Katou tell the others to not bully Kotonoha anymore and they reluctantly agree. Afterwards they beat Nanami and Sekai in the hallway. Sekai tells him she didn’t know about the bullying and Nanami admits it was all her. Makoto leaves her to cry though. The ending scene itself was pretty sweet in its own right, they referred to the bit in the first episode where Kotonoha’s food wasn’t particularly great and the scene ends with Kotonoha being embarrassed by their indirect kiss. In the first ending he tells her to not be embarrassed by it as they’ll be kissing for real at some point now that they’re boyfriend and girlfriend. In the second they actually kiss. And in the third he reminisces about what they might do beyond there, but specifically states they wouldn’t do anything until she was ready. Which again is weirdly considerate of him when you think about his character in the anime. I would’ve probably been okay with these ending had the anime been two episodes long, possibly three but for the series as a whole this would seem kind of odd. I’ll take them for what they are though.

“Him And Only Her”

This one started out differently but was basically the same in the end, the main difference is that Makoto apologizes for bad things he did and promises to be better and protect Kotonoha. My conclusion from the last one still stands, but this might be more for episode 4 or 5 maybe.

“With Kotonoha”

Not much to say here, Makoto and Kotonoha had sex and are happy together. This feels like a better ending to episode 3 to be honest. Not much else to note here though.


So apparently Makoto told Kotonoha that he would be with her if Sekai gave up, which she does after talking to Kotonoha. He goes to questions what she said and she says this:

And she had pictures too! Apparently just showing them to Sekai was enough to make her turn pale and basically give up. Kotonoha then tells Makoto that she wants him to keep doing stuff like that and he rightfully question whether this is love or lust.

“A Christmas Eve”

That was short. Basically they end up in that hotel room Kotonoha arranged near the end of the anime and I guess we never find out what happened to Sekai here. I guess she’s still waiting with her dinner or maybe she already threw it on the floor. I don’t know.

So.. I thought that was it, but after doing some more research I found out that the PS2 version of the game had two additional scenes that were later removed again from the version that all the other scenes were from. I suppose I might as well look into them.

“The Train”

Basically it’s exactly like “Pushed Too Far” except Makoto manages to save Kotonoha while knocking Sekai aside. Makoto and Kotonoha are on the tracks but climb out as Sekai realizes her phone is still on the tracks and tries to reach for it before getting hit by it. Not. Freaking. Worth it.

I’m not sure if it’s an alternate version of the scene, but I found a video that had a couple more seconds before Sekai got hit where you see Kotonoha push her down and onto the tracks before Makoto fully pulls her away from the tracks.

“That Other Train One”

I couldn’t find the name for this one, nor the scene in Japanese. I had to watch a Spanish fan-dub.
Regardless in this one the three character meet at the train station where I think Kotonoha tries to beg Sekai to stop being with Makoto. At least if I know these characters well enough by now. I don’t think it work and Makoto tries to break up the upcoming cat-fight until Kotonoha pushes Sekai onto the tracks. Makoto jumps in and helps her back up. Sekai reaches her hand out to help him before we get a gore discretion cut while hearing screams and squealing train brakes. This fucking train has literally killed everyone now.

Anyhow… I believe that for real does it for School Days. Apparently it’s part of a freaking saga of visual novels but I’m not really gonna bother with those (unless you people really want to see them, but even then it’s gonna be hard because I think they’re Japan only) as I’d rather just stick to anime for now. Besides, I think I’ve seen enough school days to last me a lifetime. It’s time to move on. So next time.. I will finally, and for real… not be watching School Days.

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