Sunday, April 10, 2016

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Episode 2

Hey everyone, we’re back to watch more of the PWAAA, that is ‘Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Anime’. We really liked the first episode so let’s dive right into the second one.

Kevin: *snorts and laughs* “God damn it..”

Kevin: “Oh hey, did you see that?”

Kevin: “Oh look, it’s the new lamp.. and Charley, who is the best character.” (Charley is the plant)
((And apparently 'Charley' is spelled 'Charlie' in the Japanese version...))

Kevin: “God damn it that fucking shit-eating grin.”
Caitlin: “I like how they foreshadow the character and then foreshadow him being the murder, which, if you’re watching this having played the games, you know that but still.

Caitlin: “This is the most anime-est of anime openings ever”
Kevin: “Except I don’t think it is, but what do I know?”
Caitlin: “Me neither, but they all look the same”
Kevin: “I think there could be a lot more flying shit flying everywhere.”
Caitlin:  “This part definitely is, though.”
Kevin: “Okay, fair enough.”
Caitlin: “I wish I had the translation of the song because I’d really like to know what they’re talking about.”
Kevin: “Same here. …Wait no, it said ‘Shout’ I know what that means.”

Caitlin: *about Edgeworth* “He’s got a kick-ass voice.”

Kevin: *laughs* “I love the tiny article about Phoenix Wright when Edgeworth gets this giant-ass article.”
Caitlin: “Phoenix Wright is such a butt monkey, but that’s his charm.”

*Mia gets killed*
Caitlin: “Oh no! This definitely wasn’t foreshadowed in the last episode. Or stated outright.”
Kevin: “I don’t think it was stated outright but it was very very heavily implied.”

*Gumshoe show up*
Caitlin: “Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!”
Caitlin: “What’s wrong with his face?
Kevin: “I dunno. I think it was always like that.”

Kevin: “I like how is hair is just naturally styled that way.”

Kevin: *laughing* “I read that as ‘Beautifully murdered attorney’ and was very confused.”

Kevin: “I still think it’s weird that they kill Mia so early on in the series.”
Caitlin: “Well, she’s kinda the Obi-Wan type character here.”
Kevin: “I suppose, but at least he stuck around for half the movie. Mia dies after the tutorial case.”
Caitlin: “Then again, the same thing can be said for any character that’s killed early in a story.”
Kevin: “Yeah, fair enough.”

Kevin: “It’s good to see what this room looks like. He has a really thick neck though. What’s up with that?”

Caitlin: “Wait, how does that work? Cellphones don’t record conversations.”
Kevin: “Well they might here. This is the futuristic world of 2016. It’s kinda weird to think about the fact that canonically these things happened just earlier this week…”

Caitlin: “Wait, who’s that?”
Kevin: “The fat, walrus-looking attorney. He was in this game and the third…”
Caitlin: “Oh was he the guy who was talking about his hemorrhoids?”
Kevin: “Mhm”
Caitlin: “Was he involved in the murder somehow?”
Kevin: “No.. but he was one of many people being blackmailed by the murderer.”

Kevin: “Weird. I thought he didn’t agree to defend her.”
Caitlin: “Maybe they just shortened that..”
Kevin: “No but he didn’t at all in the game.”
Caitlin: “I guess they changed it then…”
Kevin: “Yeah, he turned it down because of that. So I guess he’s just gonna turn them down later, which still makes sense. It’s kind of interesting that they changed it though.”

Kevin: “So I take it Japanese courts are just inside churches?”

Just including this because all the little nods and references in here are great. Speaking of which, I wonder if they’re gonna cover “Rise from the ashes”… Wait a second though, I spotted a continuity error! He got those flowers by the window from Wendy Oldbag one of the "suspects" in the third case of the original game, and we're only on the first case here. Haha! That's such a minor thing that... no one really... will care... aw...


Kevin: *laughs * “Well then…”

Kevin: “Oh hello, you. How great of you to show up early..”
Caitlin: “Oh geez…”

Kevin: “That’s a really small hotel.. I always pictured it to be bigger… Especially considering the next game.”
Caitlin: “Is the lady with the big boobs gonna show up here?”
Kevin: “Yeah…”

Kevin: “Who would put a trashcan there?”

Kevin: “That has to be the girliest screwdriver I’ve ever seen..”


Kevin: “OH. Did you see that?”
Caitlin: “No I didn’t.. what was it?”
Kevin: “The painting was already gone.”
Caitlin: “Oh!”

Kevin: “I like the literal prison bars, but then the corner just has the typical Japanese flooring.”

Alright, I rewatched this with the English named subtitles (they weren’t on the first time for some reason) to see if they were interesting. First off, they only gave one. Secondly all Kyle Rivers seems to have become since the release of this episode is a meme.

Caitlin: “I ship them.”
Kevin: “I know you do.”
Caitlin: *laughs*

Kevin: “I like how it’s consistent with his car as well.”

Both at the same time: “What are you objecting to!?”
Caitlin: *laughs*
Kevin: “To the end of the episode? Because I’m objecting to that.”
Caitlin: “I like how we both had the exact same reaction.”

So that concludes the second episode. I had a lot of fun. It was interesting to see that they took some liberties with how faithful they were to the original. (Though it’s kinda strange that Phoenix Wright would go gathering evidence if Grossberg was doing the defense..) Overall it still worked really well. My only complaint is that the title was an absolute misnomer as this definitely did not include the first trial. Unless we’re speaking metaphorically maybe? I have no clue. See you all next week.

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