I really don’t have much to say to introduce this one, so
I suppose I better not delay.
We start off with pervy guy being a perv and Makoto still
being hung up on that kiss from two episodes ago, I guess. Did the last two episodes
just not happen? I don’t know. Meanwhile the girls are getting changed and
loopy hair seems to be impressed by with Kotonoha is carrying around, while
Sekai has another episode of her A-cup angst. Setsuna inflating the padding was
kind of amusing though.
I do have to say, I thought only Kotonoha and Makoto
would be going to the water park. But I guess it wouldn’t be a true beach
episode if we didn’t go full-on fanservice with all the other characters
(including a groin shot of pervy guy which… no thanks.)
Alright, so after the intro we get a flashback to the
reason the other characters are here. Which I guess is that Hikari, AKA loopy
hair, got them tickets. I assume the ticket she then told Makoto to give
Taisuke, AKA pervy guy (who she’s into apparently), belonged to the purple
haired chick originally since she seemed to be missing from the other scene.
I’m also very glad that it all ended by cutting back to Makoto saying he didn’t
really wanna just go with Kotonoha anyways. That poor girl really needs to see
through his façade ASAP.
Oh and apparently Taisuke is only perv for Kotonoha, not
for the girl who’s actually interested in him. Good job.
I enjoyed the look of death of Sekai’s face after
Kotonoha and Makoto got insanely close.
Alright so.. we’ve had a scene of Sekai and Makoto
talking. Which involved him both complementing and insulting her, and grabbing
her ass. But apparently he couldn’t because he’s dating Kotonoha. Yet in the
next scene Kotonoha reveals to the others that she and Makoto are dating and
suddenly Sekai is all upset again. Does this girl have chronic PMS? What’s
going on? I don’t understand 2/3 main characters and I just feel sorry for the
other one.
Alright, that’s another two scenes down. The first one
was the non-couple characters discussing our main couple and Sekai setting them
straight on her and Makoto, nothing too noteworthy.
The second however started off with Kotonoha coming up to
the guys and telling Makoto the other girls were still drying their hair. Makoto
points out that she would take the longest and she admitted to have skipped out
on it to not let him wait. She proceeds to invite him to come over to her house
and be with her and her sister again which seems to not amuse him. He then sees
Sekai and the other coming up to them and suddenly is ecstatic. Sekai
immediately pulls him away and tells them to get his shit together and that she
doesn’t wanna hear about the fact that he likes her now. (Even though she likes
him so.. what exactly is her MO here?)
Then we get a scene of all the characters leaving before
Makoto and Kotonoha say goodbye to each other. Which consists of Makoto being a
rude asshole yet Kotonoha is shown to be totally in love. This poor girl.. This
freakin’ anime…
So then we get Makoto texting Sekai that he wants to call
her and misses her until he eventually just goes to her train station where she
is waiting and they’re reunited as if they’re a couple reconciling on the verge
of breaking up. They hug… and he just immediately grabs her ass. What the fuck
is with this guy? I think his dick is completely in control of his body, he
ditched the girl who loves him for the girl who let him touch her boobs. I’m
sure we’re supposed to find this endearing but I don’t. He really should’ve
broken up with Kotonoha three two episodes ago instead of stringing her along
if I was meant to care about these two getting together. The only slight bit of
caring I might have is because at least Sekai got what she wanted after all
despite her best efforts to get it to work out for Kotonoha. But honestly I
feel worse for Kotonoha this way than I am happy for Sekai. And we’re not even
halfway through this anime yet. We’re not even done with this scene, but I had
to pause after the instant butt-grab.
And then it ends with Sekai berating him for going for
Kotonoha first, and she’s right. And she should probably also realize he
probably didn’t care about her initially. Good for her that she refused him at
the end of the episode, but holy hell. I don’t even know anymore. I kinda don’t
wanna keep watching because Kotonoha is going to break come next episode, but I
guess I have to.
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