Friday, March 4, 2016

School Days - Episode 2

Hey, everyone. Time for some more school days. I’m gonna be completely honest here and say that I was actually kinda looking forward to this next episode as I do really wonder where they’re taking the story from here. Also I’m dying to know how that weird subtitle makes sense, but I digress. Let’s get this party started.

Also, I realized that maybe I should be taking a different approach with this blog. Instead I’m gonna try tackling this scene by scene. Unless something outrageous happens and I really need a minute.

Alright, so that first scene was pretty funny. I mainly enjoyed the title of the book that he was reading but otherwise there wasn’t anything noteworthy there. Moving on.

I’m immediately breaking my no pausing rule because well..

I get that you’re supposed to be completely inept at this having a girlfriend bizz, but come on dude.

She didn’t even get mad or annoyed or anything despite this being their first real freakin’ date, at least from what we’ve seen. I kind of enjoyed the montage overall. I’m a little disappointed that when he got all the desserts it didn’t cut to him eating them all himself because he sucks at this. The running into the angry guy bit was amusing though. Though after that,  get the feeling this isn’t going to last…

The intro was pretty alright, I was surprised to learn it was by REM though. Or at least that’s what I’m gonna pretend.

Wait, I paused for that one and the second I move on I see full-on boobs. What. Hold on a second… what’s the age rating here anyhow? And which one is the threshold for boobs to be shown? …and what exactly am I gonna be watching…? Oh no…

Sekai confuses the crap out of me, we basically know she likes Makoto yet she insists on keeping him and Katsura together. I mean, she even bought them movie tickets. Unless she’s incredibly rich and has money to burn that’s some a bit too generous for a high schooler.

Apparently the scene wasn’t over, but I’m glad that creepy girl agreed with me. And I guess I was right, she didn’t just buy the tickets for them she just got the tacoshits and didn’t just invite him to come along.

I like how much of a loser Makoto is. I really do, though at the same time it kinda makes me cringe… a lot.

“Is it okay for me to be like this while we’re dating?”

What? In the tub? That implies your clean. I believe such behavior is encouraged, yes.

I don’t know why she freaked out that much from having her hands touched, but you really fucked up big by going even further from there. I mean, you were actually going pretty good. Saying she was cuter than the movie character was a pretty good save, but then you had to go and ruin it.

I do have to say the dialogue in the movie was amusingly awkward.

I’m sure you won’t be the only one. ZING!

Also I’m pretty sure they just broke up. I can’t blame her though, the guy kinda fails at everything and he basically admitted that everything he did do right he only did because Sekai told him to. And understandably it made her think there’s something going on between them.

I liked that scene. The writing back and worth works surprisingly well, and I laughed harder at the “Are you retarded?!” than I am willing to admit. Also, damn Sekai, that’s insensitive.

Katou didn’t appear before did she? Was she one of those people that randomly appeared amongst the Shadowm’n last time or was she one of the chicks I saw naked in the intro?

That other guy’s last line was pretty funny as well.

Well.. he tried. I’ll give him that. Maybe he shouldn’t have been that honest.

Before I discuss the scene itself, I have to point out that the other guy getting the book was pretty funny.

Anyhow, we discover in scene that Katsura is apparently insecure because of case of C-cup angst, the opposite of A-cup angst. Basically she feels that’s she will be treated differently just because her boobs her big, which.. yeah I can see that. I bet those boys who used to tease her about it felt pretty stupid in their teenage years. Sekai’s other thinking with his other head line was actually kinda clever. But.. I had stopped the scene to write this… Why?

I should probably keep watching, but I’m just kind of confused. Can someone tell me if that’s normal for girls to do or if I’m supposed to get lesbian vibes from this. Either way, this just got a lot more interesting.

Speaking of A-cup angst, I think it was implied that’s what Sekai’s kinda suffering from. That aside, it seems everything is alright now and they could basically end it her aside from the stuff with Sekai being unresolved, but I know there’s still ten episodes left so… That’s not happening.

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