Friday, March 11, 2016

School Days - Episode 4

Well here we are, the fourth episode the end of the first third of this anime. Can we switch to the second guy yet? Makoto is honestly just being an idiot. As I said last time, we finally had him fully get together with Kotonoha and now he wants to call it quits. Honestly? Why? It’s not like she changed her demeanor and what she did change was for the better. She’s still just as pretty as you thought she was before. It’s not like she got a breast reduction. The only thing that could’ve made you change your mind was her not full on making out with you last time, and to be honest I don’t know why you were surprised. You knew she wanted to take things slow. And besides, this was one time. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t ever want to make out with you again. Ugh… I would say now Sekai has a good chance to get together with him but honestly, girl, you don’t want him.

Apparently getting a girlfriend is not as fun as he thought, that’s his reason. Also it’s kind of… Kind of what? Speak up you dingus. The credits could start any- Ah, heck.

Oh, smooth.

You dickbag, you want to break up with this girl. Stop stringing her along, and especially don’t stick your tongue in her mouth anymore.

Oh lord, I think he’s going full on kamikaze. He doesn’t care if he goes too far and she breaks up with him so he’s using that too take this way too far and take advantage of the fact that she still likes him. That’s so low, that’s so dirty. I wanna take a shower.

Luckily that was the limit for her, good for you Kotonoha. I would’ve felt really bad for you if he somehow talked you into fucking him while he doesn’t give a shit about you anymore.

Oh poor Kotonoha, she doesn’t like her boobs being touched and now she feels bad and doesn’t believe Sekai when she tells her this one’s on Makoto. I’m getting frustrated watching this now.

Oh god damn it, Kotonoha is just explaining in what sort of romantic context she’d let Makoto have sex with her and then it cuts to that. I went back to take a screenshot of that specifically, but the next frame was Makoto. I’m sure I don’t have to spell out how romantic he’s been lately.

Also damn, dude. I don’t know if you yank your chain multiple times a day, but even then that looks like the trash of a couple weeks at least. Your room must smell like ass. Or penis. Or something. Gross.

God damn it, I’m really starting to hate Makoto more and more by the minute. Not only does Kotonoha only want to talk to him about inviting him along to what I assume to be some sort of water park, he doesn’t even look at her. You know, aside from ogling the twins for a moment.

Smooth. After a long conversation involving Makoto admitting he’s just in it to shag Kotonoha at this point Sekai tells him that he needs to practice with things girls like and donates herself in the name of science. Yeah, right. I’m sure we all know why she’s really doing it. Giving her points for creativity though.

So the other guy comes to the two of them after class with the book from the first two episodes. He asks Makoto if he can come get the ripped out pages from his room before Sekai forces him out of it. Trust me dude, it’s for the better. I’m getting the sneaking suspicion you don’t want those pages back…

Sekai’s fake examples of what Kotonoha wants in order to have sex were amusing to me. That’s the first real laugh in the last episode and a half.

Did they just karaoke the intro theme?

Oh no. Oh no. I know where this is going. After the park and karaoke room didn’t work out they’re now heading for the school’s roof. Kotonoha is at school, she’s gonna walk in on them making out or something. Or worse…

Well, turns out it was worse. Kotonoha just didn’t walk in on them doing it. First Sekai doesn’t want him to kiss her, then she lets him fondle her boob before basically taking her shirt off. We don’t see how far they went and it’s implied they didn’t go all the way but… Holy hell. Though apparently this was a one-time thing (yeah, right) and next episode Kotonoha and Makoto are going to that waterpark like nothing ever happened. I’m just confused now…

We got a completely new ending them though, I thought it was pretty nice.

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