Tuesday, March 8, 2016

School Days - Episode 3

Alright, time for the third episode. So far I’m really not seeing the badness of it all. I mean stuff’s been kinda awkward at times, but I fully believe it was intentional. Other awkwardness I mostly blame on the differences in culture, but for what it’s worth School Days seems pretty alright so far. Let’s see where it goes from here.

We start off with a scene where Makoto tries to call Katsura but instead calls with her little sister. It was pretty funny. Not much else to note though.

I get the feeling this episode is just out to make Katsura’s life miserable. She gets jealous of Sekai again, only to then be jumped on by Katou and her bitch squad. And I think Katou might like Makoto as well. I really gotta wonder what he’s doing to make every single girl like him that much, I guess he must just be really good looking in-verse.

Did we see loopy haired girl before? And what is her deal? I’m give an A for effort to Makoto in this scene, I don’t know why Katsura was upset even more by the hug. Honestly, if this was last episode Makoto he would’ve just instantly and awkwardly made out with her.

Wait what? The hell kind of Aladdin garb are you wearing?

So Makoto gets berated for the hug now? I really don’t agree with that to be honest. I would’ve probably done the same thing. Then again I probably have the huggiest girlfriend in the world so my opinion might be a bit skewed here.

I haven’t had much to say about the last couple scenes, but as a quick recap. Katsura took the train instead of the bus and Makoto hasn’t been able to apologize yet and now she’s apparently not on the roof yet. Though I gotta point something out here and I should’ve realized this earlier.

Why is there benches and shrubbery on the roof if no one is supposed to go there outside of the astronomy club? Did Sekai put those there? Does she take care of those shrubs? I don’t know…

After Katsura and Makoto finally reunite we get Sekai’s group of friends (including creepy child, loopy hair and that short-haired chick from the intro) talk about the school fair which has yet another love related urban legend about how couple going there will get together or something, I don’t know. I’m mainly taking a note of it because it’s probably going to be important and I haven’t had that much to say about this episode…

We finally get the apology scene! And Katsura just tells him it was nothing to worry about. Ten minutes of build-up out the window, glad we did all that. Makoto is finally going over to her house though, so I guess not all is lost.

So apparently people dress like genies when they have bar duty in Japan. (Who calls there café “Radish” anyhow? Not even like.. the Chunky Radish or… the Reddest Radish) Alright then. Also creepy girl is Setsuna and she also thinks something is going on between Sekai and Makoto, despite this episode being the least centered on those two out of all the ones so far. Oh well.

The montage was pretty cute. But then Kokoro asks why Makoto calls her sister Katsura. I’m kind of confused, I was under the impression that was her first name. Is it her last name then?

Huh, I guess it was. Kotonoha then. That’s a mouth-full. There should be a rule against last names being shorter than first names. But I’m happy we worked out that kink in their relationship.

…Alright so.. she kisses him, but on his cheek. Then he goes and calls Sekai and she’s all happy that they’re finally going well together. And then the dipshit says he’s sick of spending time with her.





Dude, you did not just drag me through the most boring episode yet just to realize you wanna break up with the girl you spent three episode getting together with. No. That is not okay. NO.

I’m angry now. Now I wanna break up with this anime.

Damn it.

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