Saturday, March 26, 2016

School Days - Episode 7

Here we are again, though honestly.. what the hell are we still doing here? For the second half of the series nonetheless. Are we just gonna backtrack to where we started? Is Makoto gonna realize what he did was a mistake? Is he just gonna have the same thing happen with Sekai that happened with Kotonoha but in reverse? Are we ever going to meet those other three guys? Did the person who wrote the subtitle just get the gender wrong? Can I go home yet? Honestly, I feel like we’re just gonna go in a circle or we’re gonna end with Makoto being alone. Or with some third girl even, possible Katou. Maybe Kotonoha and Sekai are finally gonna follow up on their lesbian vibes from episode 2. Probably not… Let’s just get this over with…

Oh my god. So we pass the intro which is just basically we’re we left off and I think I commented on that enough last time. But guess what? Kotonoha blames herself for this whole thing. Oh my god, she’s such a doormat I can’t take it. It’s his fault, all of this is his fault. You shouldn’t start trying harder, you should find someone who’s worth your freaking time. Oh my god.

Just when I was about to fear that this whole thing was just gonna be a boring mess Setsuna went and told everyone that Makoto and Kotonoha broke up and him and Sekai are dating. I can’t decide if she was being oblivious or a little troll but I’m kinda thinking that last one. If that’s right she’s my favorite character now.

Apparently the bitch squad is gonna film guys peeing, which is disturbing. Or they’re actively expecting people to fuck in the bathroom. Which is equally disturbing in its own right…

Nope taking it back, Setsuna was being a total bitch to Kotonoha. I don’t care how good of friends you are with Sekai, you gotta realize that they’ve seriously been in the wrong and Kotonoha is the victim here.

I feel a bit bad for Sekai now. She clearly wants things to be cleared up with Kotonoha, but both Setsuna and Makoto won’t freaking let her.

And then random fanservice again. First they obviously intended the whole maid get-up Sekai was wearing to be that, then they have Kotonoha’s shirt be wet from the rain so you can see her bra. Shameless.

Oh my god, Makoto is coming to his senses. By which I mean he just looked at Kotonoha’s boobs because of what I pointed out just now. So I guess it’s just his dick willing him to her boobs. In other words I think I still lose this one. But hey, it’s something at the very least…

Ha! You go Taisuke! You beat him to the punch on that one!
Though he then asks Kotonoha out because he heard her and Makoto broke up, which causes her to run away and probably find out the truth. That is until she runs into Makoto who was right outside the supply closet until this happens.

No, I think it’s you who’s really a bitch. People need to stop giving Kotonoha crap. Seriously. Can we just take her out of this anime and put her in one where she’ll be appreciated for seeming like a genuinely nice person, albeit a bit of a doormat?

Well I watch the last scene and I have one thing to say…


Seriously, you go Kotonoha. Especially since Makoto and Sekai suddenly switched places and she started being a bitch about not telling you or at least not being an ass to you. Overall, I’m reasonably happy with that ending. Makoto got walked out on my Sekai after brushing off Kotonoha before the latter bitch-slapped the former in the face. That was awesome! Thing are looking up a bit now, things are actually happening again and I’m actually starting to get invested again. Can’t wait to see what the next episode has in store for me, though it’s probably just gonna be sadness again…

Monday, March 21, 2016

School Days - Episode 6

I realized that last time I didn’t have any screenshots to include with the blog. But let’s face it, there was no sense in pointing out fanservice in the fanservice episode. Anyhow… Who’s ready to watch Kotonoha break down into a crying and sniveling mess? I am, or rather I’m gonna have to be. I really hope he brings it in a way that makes it seem he’s just breaking up with her, not her finding out he’s been shagging Sekai on the side.

Oh good, I guess they did do it after all. Excellent.
Also, it’s not practicing anymore. You two have literally been fucking on the side. He’s not doing anything for Kotonoha, I think he’s perfectly fixated on you now Sekai.
And good to see Kotonoha doesn’t know a thing yet. Ugh…

So we carry on, Sekai and Makoto make out in public. Then he meets Kotonoha on the train and basically ignores her. But then she’s implied to be wanting to get him a handcrafted Christmas gift later and I’m sure he’ll be a dick about that or- No, you know what’s going to happen? She’s gonna bring it over to him right as he and Sekai are making out in secret and she spots them and then the thing shatters dramatically. Wanna bet?

Afterwards we see Makoto running his mouth to Setsuna about making breakfast for two, and she immediately figures out him and Sekai were together. So then Sekai lies and tells her he already broke up with Kotonoha and uuuuuuuugh…

I think my gift theory is out the window, Kotonoha was looking at scarves and hats. Oh well.

Meanwhile Sekai finally comes to her sense and tells Makoto they should tell her about what’s been going on between them. Maybe not the smartest move as that’ll hurt way more than him and Kotonoha breaking up, but I can’t fault her for wanting to be honest. Of course, Makoto is not gonna go for that because he’s just kind of a douche like that but Sekai is basically forcing him to. I get the feeling that if he doesn’t she’ll tell Kotonoha and he’ll lose them both. But honestly, that’ll freaking teach him.

Maybe an off-topic question but is hot lemonade a common thing in Japan? Is it basically just tea or is it something completely different?

It’s good to see they still didn’t tell her though, even after school and after Makoto lied to her again Sekai seems to be drawing a line but then continues to be a doormat again. Stand up for yourself, girl.

Oh damn it. Kotonoha, no.. Don’t do this. She’s making him a Christmas gift herself. I think my theory might hold water after all. Just replace the dramatic shattering with a dramatic gift drop and you’ll be set.

Well she spotted them alright. Though she’s not immediately exploding into rage or tears because she doesn’t want to assume things. My god this girl is far too good for him.

And now we get a montage of sadness with Katou being a bitch and making Kotonoha miss her chance to talk to Makoto. It’s alright though, he was making out with Sekai earlier anyhow.


Sekai finally sort of comes to her senses though and basically forces Makoto to go home with Kotonoha.

I had to pause.
I got angry.

Basically they’re (very awkwardly) walking through town and Kotonoha gets (kinda humorously) after a flyer talking about a couples discount for matching cellphones. She asks Makoto what he thinks but he’s not really giving her a response so she instead offers to get him the other phone as a gift because she’d like them to have matching ones. He then declines and they move on. But that’s not what pissed me off. After she offered to buy him a phone, which isn’t that cheap, she trips and falls. Let’s play a little game shall we?

What would Makoto do?

A ) Help her up make sure she was okay

B ) Help her up but talk down to her because she fell in the first place

C ) Leave her on the ground and nonchalantly ask her if she’s alright




And she apologizes for this whole thing.

I guess he does lean down to pick up her things later, but mostly because he’s curious about her knitting stuff. And even after she tells him about knitting him a scarf or a sweater, no two of them so they can match, he still doesn’t think he should tell her about what’s going on. You are a disgusting human being Makoto Itou, I cannot believe you don’t even feel a shred of sympathy for the girl you were so obsessed with you took a picture of her in secret hoping you two would end up together. And you know what I just realized. It’s all symbolic. He tried to urban legend to have them end up happy together, then Sekai found out after only a day. Then they did get together and very soon they’re broken apart because he likes Sekai. So just like the urban legend, you’ll succeed if you keep the picture there for thirty days. But it seems that if you don’t it’s doomed to fail. So now I’m even more pissed off because that’s actually really clever writing.

First of all good for you Ko- No wait, first of all. Fuck you, School Days. Second, good for you Kotonoha for telling off the bitch squad. Third, god damn it Makoto for instantly touching between Sekai’s legs once you got that text from Kotonoha. Fourth, I fucking called the catching them making out with dramatic item drop. Fifth, what the hell did Katou ask purple haired chick to do? Sixth… Fuck you, School Days.

Monday, March 14, 2016

School Days - Episode 5

I really don’t have much to say to introduce this one, so I suppose I better not delay.

We start off with pervy guy being a perv and Makoto still being hung up on that kiss from two episodes ago, I guess. Did the last two episodes just not happen? I don’t know. Meanwhile the girls are getting changed and loopy hair seems to be impressed by with Kotonoha is carrying around, while Sekai has another episode of her A-cup angst. Setsuna inflating the padding was kind of amusing though.

I do have to say, I thought only Kotonoha and Makoto would be going to the water park. But I guess it wouldn’t be a true beach episode if we didn’t go full-on fanservice with all the other characters (including a groin shot of pervy guy which… no thanks.)

Alright, so after the intro we get a flashback to the reason the other characters are here. Which I guess is that Hikari, AKA loopy hair, got them tickets. I assume the ticket she then told Makoto to give Taisuke, AKA pervy guy (who she’s into apparently), belonged to the purple haired chick originally since she seemed to be missing from the other scene. I’m also very glad that it all ended by cutting back to Makoto saying he didn’t really wanna just go with Kotonoha anyways. That poor girl really needs to see through his façade ASAP.

Oh and apparently Taisuke is only perv for Kotonoha, not for the girl who’s actually interested in him. Good job.

I enjoyed the look of death of Sekai’s face after Kotonoha and Makoto got insanely close.

Alright so.. we’ve had a scene of Sekai and Makoto talking. Which involved him both complementing and insulting her, and grabbing her ass. But apparently he couldn’t because he’s dating Kotonoha. Yet in the next scene Kotonoha reveals to the others that she and Makoto are dating and suddenly Sekai is all upset again. Does this girl have chronic PMS? What’s going on? I don’t understand 2/3 main characters and I just feel sorry for the other one.

Alright, that’s another two scenes down. The first one was the non-couple characters discussing our main couple and Sekai setting them straight on her and Makoto, nothing too noteworthy.

The second however started off with Kotonoha coming up to the guys and telling Makoto the other girls were still drying their hair. Makoto points out that she would take the longest and she admitted to have skipped out on it to not let him wait. She proceeds to invite him to come over to her house and be with her and her sister again which seems to not amuse him. He then sees Sekai and the other coming up to them and suddenly is ecstatic. Sekai immediately pulls him away and tells them to get his shit together and that she doesn’t wanna hear about the fact that he likes her now. (Even though she likes him so.. what exactly is her MO here?)

Then we get a scene of all the characters leaving before Makoto and Kotonoha say goodbye to each other. Which consists of Makoto being a rude asshole yet Kotonoha is shown to be totally in love. This poor girl.. This freakin’ anime…

So then we get Makoto texting Sekai that he wants to call her and misses her until he eventually just goes to her train station where she is waiting and they’re reunited as if they’re a couple reconciling on the verge of breaking up. They hug… and he just immediately grabs her ass. What the fuck is with this guy? I think his dick is completely in control of his body, he ditched the girl who loves him for the girl who let him touch her boobs. I’m sure we’re supposed to find this endearing but I don’t. He really should’ve broken up with Kotonoha three two episodes ago instead of stringing her along if I was meant to care about these two getting together. The only slight bit of caring I might have is because at least Sekai got what she wanted after all despite her best efforts to get it to work out for Kotonoha. But honestly I feel worse for Kotonoha this way than I am happy for Sekai. And we’re not even halfway through this anime yet. We’re not even done with this scene, but I had to pause after the instant butt-grab.

And then it ends with Sekai berating him for going for Kotonoha first, and she’s right. And she should probably also realize he probably didn’t care about her initially. Good for her that she refused him at the end of the episode, but holy hell. I don’t even know anymore. I kinda don’t wanna keep watching because Kotonoha is going to break come next episode, but I guess I have to.

Friday, March 11, 2016

School Days - Episode 4

Well here we are, the fourth episode the end of the first third of this anime. Can we switch to the second guy yet? Makoto is honestly just being an idiot. As I said last time, we finally had him fully get together with Kotonoha and now he wants to call it quits. Honestly? Why? It’s not like she changed her demeanor and what she did change was for the better. She’s still just as pretty as you thought she was before. It’s not like she got a breast reduction. The only thing that could’ve made you change your mind was her not full on making out with you last time, and to be honest I don’t know why you were surprised. You knew she wanted to take things slow. And besides, this was one time. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t ever want to make out with you again. Ugh… I would say now Sekai has a good chance to get together with him but honestly, girl, you don’t want him.

Apparently getting a girlfriend is not as fun as he thought, that’s his reason. Also it’s kind of… Kind of what? Speak up you dingus. The credits could start any- Ah, heck.

Oh, smooth.

You dickbag, you want to break up with this girl. Stop stringing her along, and especially don’t stick your tongue in her mouth anymore.

Oh lord, I think he’s going full on kamikaze. He doesn’t care if he goes too far and she breaks up with him so he’s using that too take this way too far and take advantage of the fact that she still likes him. That’s so low, that’s so dirty. I wanna take a shower.

Luckily that was the limit for her, good for you Kotonoha. I would’ve felt really bad for you if he somehow talked you into fucking him while he doesn’t give a shit about you anymore.

Oh poor Kotonoha, she doesn’t like her boobs being touched and now she feels bad and doesn’t believe Sekai when she tells her this one’s on Makoto. I’m getting frustrated watching this now.

Oh god damn it, Kotonoha is just explaining in what sort of romantic context she’d let Makoto have sex with her and then it cuts to that. I went back to take a screenshot of that specifically, but the next frame was Makoto. I’m sure I don’t have to spell out how romantic he’s been lately.

Also damn, dude. I don’t know if you yank your chain multiple times a day, but even then that looks like the trash of a couple weeks at least. Your room must smell like ass. Or penis. Or something. Gross.

God damn it, I’m really starting to hate Makoto more and more by the minute. Not only does Kotonoha only want to talk to him about inviting him along to what I assume to be some sort of water park, he doesn’t even look at her. You know, aside from ogling the twins for a moment.

Smooth. After a long conversation involving Makoto admitting he’s just in it to shag Kotonoha at this point Sekai tells him that he needs to practice with things girls like and donates herself in the name of science. Yeah, right. I’m sure we all know why she’s really doing it. Giving her points for creativity though.

So the other guy comes to the two of them after class with the book from the first two episodes. He asks Makoto if he can come get the ripped out pages from his room before Sekai forces him out of it. Trust me dude, it’s for the better. I’m getting the sneaking suspicion you don’t want those pages back…

Sekai’s fake examples of what Kotonoha wants in order to have sex were amusing to me. That’s the first real laugh in the last episode and a half.

Did they just karaoke the intro theme?

Oh no. Oh no. I know where this is going. After the park and karaoke room didn’t work out they’re now heading for the school’s roof. Kotonoha is at school, she’s gonna walk in on them making out or something. Or worse…

Well, turns out it was worse. Kotonoha just didn’t walk in on them doing it. First Sekai doesn’t want him to kiss her, then she lets him fondle her boob before basically taking her shirt off. We don’t see how far they went and it’s implied they didn’t go all the way but… Holy hell. Though apparently this was a one-time thing (yeah, right) and next episode Kotonoha and Makoto are going to that waterpark like nothing ever happened. I’m just confused now…

We got a completely new ending them though, I thought it was pretty nice.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

School Days - Episode 3

Alright, time for the third episode. So far I’m really not seeing the badness of it all. I mean stuff’s been kinda awkward at times, but I fully believe it was intentional. Other awkwardness I mostly blame on the differences in culture, but for what it’s worth School Days seems pretty alright so far. Let’s see where it goes from here.

We start off with a scene where Makoto tries to call Katsura but instead calls with her little sister. It was pretty funny. Not much else to note though.

I get the feeling this episode is just out to make Katsura’s life miserable. She gets jealous of Sekai again, only to then be jumped on by Katou and her bitch squad. And I think Katou might like Makoto as well. I really gotta wonder what he’s doing to make every single girl like him that much, I guess he must just be really good looking in-verse.

Did we see loopy haired girl before? And what is her deal? I’m give an A for effort to Makoto in this scene, I don’t know why Katsura was upset even more by the hug. Honestly, if this was last episode Makoto he would’ve just instantly and awkwardly made out with her.

Wait what? The hell kind of Aladdin garb are you wearing?

So Makoto gets berated for the hug now? I really don’t agree with that to be honest. I would’ve probably done the same thing. Then again I probably have the huggiest girlfriend in the world so my opinion might be a bit skewed here.

I haven’t had much to say about the last couple scenes, but as a quick recap. Katsura took the train instead of the bus and Makoto hasn’t been able to apologize yet and now she’s apparently not on the roof yet. Though I gotta point something out here and I should’ve realized this earlier.

Why is there benches and shrubbery on the roof if no one is supposed to go there outside of the astronomy club? Did Sekai put those there? Does she take care of those shrubs? I don’t know…

After Katsura and Makoto finally reunite we get Sekai’s group of friends (including creepy child, loopy hair and that short-haired chick from the intro) talk about the school fair which has yet another love related urban legend about how couple going there will get together or something, I don’t know. I’m mainly taking a note of it because it’s probably going to be important and I haven’t had that much to say about this episode…

We finally get the apology scene! And Katsura just tells him it was nothing to worry about. Ten minutes of build-up out the window, glad we did all that. Makoto is finally going over to her house though, so I guess not all is lost.

So apparently people dress like genies when they have bar duty in Japan. (Who calls there café “Radish” anyhow? Not even like.. the Chunky Radish or… the Reddest Radish) Alright then. Also creepy girl is Setsuna and she also thinks something is going on between Sekai and Makoto, despite this episode being the least centered on those two out of all the ones so far. Oh well.

The montage was pretty cute. But then Kokoro asks why Makoto calls her sister Katsura. I’m kind of confused, I was under the impression that was her first name. Is it her last name then?

Huh, I guess it was. Kotonoha then. That’s a mouth-full. There should be a rule against last names being shorter than first names. But I’m happy we worked out that kink in their relationship.

…Alright so.. she kisses him, but on his cheek. Then he goes and calls Sekai and she’s all happy that they’re finally going well together. And then the dipshit says he’s sick of spending time with her.





Dude, you did not just drag me through the most boring episode yet just to realize you wanna break up with the girl you spent three episode getting together with. No. That is not okay. NO.

I’m angry now. Now I wanna break up with this anime.

Damn it.

Friday, March 4, 2016

School Days - Episode 2

Hey, everyone. Time for some more school days. I’m gonna be completely honest here and say that I was actually kinda looking forward to this next episode as I do really wonder where they’re taking the story from here. Also I’m dying to know how that weird subtitle makes sense, but I digress. Let’s get this party started.

Also, I realized that maybe I should be taking a different approach with this blog. Instead I’m gonna try tackling this scene by scene. Unless something outrageous happens and I really need a minute.

Alright, so that first scene was pretty funny. I mainly enjoyed the title of the book that he was reading but otherwise there wasn’t anything noteworthy there. Moving on.

I’m immediately breaking my no pausing rule because well..

I get that you’re supposed to be completely inept at this having a girlfriend bizz, but come on dude.

She didn’t even get mad or annoyed or anything despite this being their first real freakin’ date, at least from what we’ve seen. I kind of enjoyed the montage overall. I’m a little disappointed that when he got all the desserts it didn’t cut to him eating them all himself because he sucks at this. The running into the angry guy bit was amusing though. Though after that,  get the feeling this isn’t going to last…

The intro was pretty alright, I was surprised to learn it was by REM though. Or at least that’s what I’m gonna pretend.

Wait, I paused for that one and the second I move on I see full-on boobs. What. Hold on a second… what’s the age rating here anyhow? And which one is the threshold for boobs to be shown? …and what exactly am I gonna be watching…? Oh no…

Sekai confuses the crap out of me, we basically know she likes Makoto yet she insists on keeping him and Katsura together. I mean, she even bought them movie tickets. Unless she’s incredibly rich and has money to burn that’s some a bit too generous for a high schooler.

Apparently the scene wasn’t over, but I’m glad that creepy girl agreed with me. And I guess I was right, she didn’t just buy the tickets for them she just got the tacoshits and didn’t just invite him to come along.

I like how much of a loser Makoto is. I really do, though at the same time it kinda makes me cringe… a lot.

“Is it okay for me to be like this while we’re dating?”

What? In the tub? That implies your clean. I believe such behavior is encouraged, yes.

I don’t know why she freaked out that much from having her hands touched, but you really fucked up big by going even further from there. I mean, you were actually going pretty good. Saying she was cuter than the movie character was a pretty good save, but then you had to go and ruin it.

I do have to say the dialogue in the movie was amusingly awkward.

I’m sure you won’t be the only one. ZING!

Also I’m pretty sure they just broke up. I can’t blame her though, the guy kinda fails at everything and he basically admitted that everything he did do right he only did because Sekai told him to. And understandably it made her think there’s something going on between them.

I liked that scene. The writing back and worth works surprisingly well, and I laughed harder at the “Are you retarded?!” than I am willing to admit. Also, damn Sekai, that’s insensitive.

Katou didn’t appear before did she? Was she one of those people that randomly appeared amongst the Shadowm’n last time or was she one of the chicks I saw naked in the intro?

That other guy’s last line was pretty funny as well.

Well.. he tried. I’ll give him that. Maybe he shouldn’t have been that honest.

Before I discuss the scene itself, I have to point out that the other guy getting the book was pretty funny.

Anyhow, we discover in scene that Katsura is apparently insecure because of case of C-cup angst, the opposite of A-cup angst. Basically she feels that’s she will be treated differently just because her boobs her big, which.. yeah I can see that. I bet those boys who used to tease her about it felt pretty stupid in their teenage years. Sekai’s other thinking with his other head line was actually kinda clever. But.. I had stopped the scene to write this… Why?

I should probably keep watching, but I’m just kind of confused. Can someone tell me if that’s normal for girls to do or if I’m supposed to get lesbian vibes from this. Either way, this just got a lot more interesting.

Speaking of A-cup angst, I think it was implied that’s what Sekai’s kinda suffering from. That aside, it seems everything is alright now and they could basically end it her aside from the stuff with Sekai being unresolved, but I know there’s still ten episodes left so… That’s not happening.