Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!! - Episode 2

Alright, it's a bit late and I missed an update last week but let's get this thing back on schedule. It's time for the second episode of Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!!

We start out the episode with Soji being returned home by Jiggles, who tells him Aika decided to leave the two of the alone for a while... only for her to barge right in. Soji breaks up the fight and starts asking the real questions here.

Jiggles does her usually thing and Aika gets pissed off by it so I take it everything is back to normal again.

Oh... Oh geez...

So we join up with that knight dude from the end of the last episode who asks his war council what their plan of attack is... I don't think they understood him...

Alright, so... apparently the bad guys live off of the strongest kind of love, the one for Twin-Tails. And when Aika points out things like friends and family Jiggles shoots those down as instinctive and those don't count. ...Okay...

Good thing you just happened to find the only person in the world who'd do that then.
Also the Tail-Gear feeds off love as well, but for some reason there it's okay. I don't know.

We cut back to the evil council and... I swear to god...

Though, their leader seems to think they're all wonderful ideas and decides that battle is the only way to find the real winner here. Though if you ask me, there just aren't any.

(They were like that before we cut back)
Soji asks Jiggles why he turned into a girl. She tries to give him a bullshit answer at first but Aika is having none of it and Jiggles admits that she has a thing for girls? Hey, that's alright. I won't judge.

Soji then shows off a thing he got after beating the lizard guy in the last episode which Jiggles explains to be a crystallization of strength known as an Elemela Orb.

I think she needs to look up a definition of "Orb"...
Apparently the orbs are manifestations of each of the bad guy's fetishes. The lizard dude had a fetish for little girls with dolls. That's messed up...


Soji then wants to learn more about Jiggles herself...
...though it seems she can only speak through sex..

Aika is not having any of that while Soji remains surprisingly oblivious to the whole thing and asks Jiggles to explain herself normally. Weird how he's the down-to-earth one here..

Jiggles explains that her world was taken over by Ultimaguil. She tells him it wasn't destroyed, but that they took it's element of strength. And there's an arbitrary 24 hour time limit on reversing the process.

Jiggles goes on about having to build a secret base, which Soji's mother overhears. She allows Jiggles to stay and even stay in the same bed as Soji... because she dreamed of saving the world like he will do now...
And there's some thing that I don't have words for...

Aika obviously is not alright with this and tries to talk his mom out of it but she tells her this was part of her dream and she wants Soji to have a girlfriend who... well...

I'm gonna let my screenshots do the talking here because this was a fun scene.

Aika then goes to point out that Jiggles was able to create the Tail-Gear despite her world no longer having their attribute strength. Which is a good point and I'm surprised I didn't catch it. I better watch my back, she might put me out of a job. ...Not that I get paid for this..

After an amazing Jenga scene we cut to Soji who is unable to sleep due to the sci-fi stock sound effects coming from the basement. Jiggles eventually comes up to Soji and falls on him demanding a "Well done kiss" only to have Aika burst in accompanied by rock music to deliver a flying kick to Jiggles' face. Awesome.

Despite the news not covering Tailred too much, Soji's classmates seem thoroughly obsessed with her. I'm not at all surprised to see Brock there though.
Soji is logically not too happy about this, and you honestly feel bad for the guy.

Though it seems it's not limited to the guys as Erina is completely obsessed with Tailred as well even organizing a special school assembly in her honor.

Soji returns home exhausted unsure about how he's gonna continue. He tells Aika that he has time to think about it as the bad-guys aren't constantly showing up.
Only for the big bad to make a sky-hologram announcement which gets him all fired up again.
Jiggles calls in on his bracelet and tells him that he's got a new activation code for his transformation sequence, which he seems a bit embarrassed to say in from of Aika but does anyway.

This show, I swear...
Also, yes. He did fly off and explode after a single slash.

That was the second episode of Twin-Tail. I'm still having a lot of fun so far. Jiggles can get a little tiring but I really enjoy Soji and Aika dealing with the weird shit of the situation. Looking forward to the next one, see you then.

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