Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Gonna Be the Twil-Tail!! - Episode 4

Here we go, the last "good" of this anime. What is it with these things and getting worse after the first couple episodes anyhow?

We start of with Aika, understandably, not being in too good of a mood after the end of last episode when her and Soji run into Erina who seems to be the only one who really appreciates Tailblue, though mostly for assisting Tailred than as her own hero. She admits to being a little obsessed with super heroes in general before taking a good look at Soji, seemingly recognizing him as Tailred. She doesn't comment on it though and instead tells Soji that his club has finally been approved.

After the intro and a brief update on the Twin-tails progress in their fight against the bad guys, we cut to set bad guys. Ultimaguil decides that they should no longer send weaklings and will only send heroes from here on out. Swan Guildy (the white armored one that showed up in episode two from what I remember) volunteers and is subjected to a test. Which involves his computer being checked.
Apparently it's some sort of sex based visual novel and he seems to have played it to completion already despite it coming out the day before. After getting his gameplay analyzed, Ultimaguil decided he's unworthy and decides to go himself.

We return to see Aika taking a shower (it makes sense in context) when she's notified about stronger enemies having been spotted. She tells Soji she can't come along yet and he goes on ahead without her, presumably to have a one on one showdown with Ultimaguil who immediately jumps her upon arrival. (well, after commenting that no one was there). Oh, my bad. Apparently this guy's name is Dragguildy. In my defense this is the first time that's been mentioned. And he wears that black armor (which presumably was a different color originally) because he wants a girl with the perfect twin-tails to wash it for him. ...Okay.

The fight continues as their twin-tail love is equally matched. Eventually Tailblue arrives and Dragguildy reveals that he fought her before and is it turns out Jiggles was the original Tailblue.
Dragguildy goes onto explains that she ruled as a goddess over her old world using her twin-tail attribute which eventually led it to destruction and that the cycle will repeat itself on earth.

Aika is disturbed by this and the thought that Jiggles had been stringing them along knowing that would happen but Soji is more optimistic and says that if they beat Dragguildy the negative twin-tail element will be gone and everything will be positive so that won't happen.
Though before they can continue their fight, someone else interrupts them.
So it turns out the Ultimaguil specifically seek out the strongest twin-tail lover to have them inspire everyone else only to then take everything away from them and apparently Jiggles chose to not have everyone lose their twin-tails so she gave up on her own twin-tails instead. Aika realizes her mistake and apologizes to Jiggles and they finally continue their fight with Dragguildy, now joined by 937 Ultiroids.

Oh, what the hell.

After that Tailblue defeats all 937 Ultiroids singlehandedly before losing her powers for the moment. Meanwhile Tailred is fighting the twin-tail powered Dragguildy until she loses her sword. Only to spawn a second one and stabbing Dragguildy in the stomach. She does have twin-tails so she has twin swords as well now.

So.. there goes Dragguildy who I thought was the big bad. Is that why the rest is gonna be bad is it just gonna introduce new minor villains from here? I guess we're gonna have to see. It's also weird that Erina still isn't a major player here despite having been in the intro since day one. Oh well.

Until next episode!

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