Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Gonna Be the Twil-Tail!! - Episode 4

Here we go, the last "good" of this anime. What is it with these things and getting worse after the first couple episodes anyhow?

We start of with Aika, understandably, not being in too good of a mood after the end of last episode when her and Soji run into Erina who seems to be the only one who really appreciates Tailblue, though mostly for assisting Tailred than as her own hero. She admits to being a little obsessed with super heroes in general before taking a good look at Soji, seemingly recognizing him as Tailred. She doesn't comment on it though and instead tells Soji that his club has finally been approved.

After the intro and a brief update on the Twin-tails progress in their fight against the bad guys, we cut to set bad guys. Ultimaguil decides that they should no longer send weaklings and will only send heroes from here on out. Swan Guildy (the white armored one that showed up in episode two from what I remember) volunteers and is subjected to a test. Which involves his computer being checked.
Apparently it's some sort of sex based visual novel and he seems to have played it to completion already despite it coming out the day before. After getting his gameplay analyzed, Ultimaguil decided he's unworthy and decides to go himself.

We return to see Aika taking a shower (it makes sense in context) when she's notified about stronger enemies having been spotted. She tells Soji she can't come along yet and he goes on ahead without her, presumably to have a one on one showdown with Ultimaguil who immediately jumps her upon arrival. (well, after commenting that no one was there). Oh, my bad. Apparently this guy's name is Dragguildy. In my defense this is the first time that's been mentioned. And he wears that black armor (which presumably was a different color originally) because he wants a girl with the perfect twin-tails to wash it for him. ...Okay.

The fight continues as their twin-tail love is equally matched. Eventually Tailblue arrives and Dragguildy reveals that he fought her before and is it turns out Jiggles was the original Tailblue.
Dragguildy goes onto explains that she ruled as a goddess over her old world using her twin-tail attribute which eventually led it to destruction and that the cycle will repeat itself on earth.

Aika is disturbed by this and the thought that Jiggles had been stringing them along knowing that would happen but Soji is more optimistic and says that if they beat Dragguildy the negative twin-tail element will be gone and everything will be positive so that won't happen.
Though before they can continue their fight, someone else interrupts them.
So it turns out the Ultimaguil specifically seek out the strongest twin-tail lover to have them inspire everyone else only to then take everything away from them and apparently Jiggles chose to not have everyone lose their twin-tails so she gave up on her own twin-tails instead. Aika realizes her mistake and apologizes to Jiggles and they finally continue their fight with Dragguildy, now joined by 937 Ultiroids.

Oh, what the hell.

After that Tailblue defeats all 937 Ultiroids singlehandedly before losing her powers for the moment. Meanwhile Tailred is fighting the twin-tail powered Dragguildy until she loses her sword. Only to spawn a second one and stabbing Dragguildy in the stomach. She does have twin-tails so she has twin swords as well now.

So.. there goes Dragguildy who I thought was the big bad. Is that why the rest is gonna be bad is it just gonna introduce new minor villains from here? I guess we're gonna have to see. It's also weird that Erina still isn't a major player here despite having been in the intro since day one. Oh well.

Until next episode!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!! - Episode 3

Time to continue our twin-tailed journey into madness.

Alright, now this one needs some explanation. I created this article over a week ago only to find out that only the first two episode were up on YouTube. I went to the website of the people who uploaded the first two episode and found it was available there... in America. So then I tried finding them illegally elsewhere but to no avail.

So how am I doing this episode you ask? Well it just so happens that I planned to visit Caitlin, in America, one week after creating the last article and what do you know it works. So let's do this, hopefully I can get done all the episodes while I'm here.

The episode starts with Jiggles showing the other characters their new base of operations. When Soji questions how she managed to build it in one night he gets completely ignored despite that being one of the most logical questions yet. Aika eventually asks how many of the Elemelian guys there are and is told it could be anywhere from 100,000 to a million. Understandably she thinks this is ridiculous and asks if there isn't anyone else that can help. Jiggles says there is someone but that she can't be given the gear yet due to personality problems.
The camera not so subtly points out that this is Aika herself... as if the intro hadn't already spoiled that. Speaking of the intro...

Anyhow, after all that (and a gazillion ads) we see that Tailred has been defeating bad guys and gaining popularity all over the world. Also whatever this is:

Aika believes that Soji is enjoying the fact that he's getting attention from girls everywhere but he strongly disagrees. And for some reason the police have it out for him instead of Ultimaguil like he also points out himself. Again, don't try to put me out of a job here.
Jiggles then shares that there have been various websites and blogs dedicated to Tailred (no this one doesn't count, shut up) along with it's own Wiki. Wouldn't that only have a single page though? Or is there ones for the enemies (s)he thought as well? Quotes maybe? People rescued? I don't know.

We then cut to Jiggles spying on the bathroom. Aika asks what she's doing and Jiggles tells her that Soji has begun taking interest in his female self and had asked if it was possible to remove some of the armor. This leads Aika to think that this is going where you expect it to go, but knowing this anime...

That seems about right..
Then Jiggles has some weird robot that's supposed to kick Aika's butt for threatening her but it feels and gets its ass kicked instead.

And apparently she get her butt (or face) kicked off-screen as well. Soji's mother tells him to take care of Jiggles today whose one-track mind immediately takes that to mean sex. The alarm in her boobs goes off though and they head into their secret base.
On the way down Jiggles explains that using "Elemation" Soji can use the powers of the bad guys he defeated Mega Man style, but he tells her he'll stick to his twin-tail powers for now.

Tailred teleports into an empty field of flowers after he transformation as the music just kinda.. fizzles out, which was kinda funny. She's then faced with the return of last episode's Fox Guildy who apparently has a ribbon fetish. I'm not even questioning these things anymore at this point.

Anyhow, he's here to specifically defeat Tailred because she's mean taking out too many of his allies.
And I don't expect anything else from you normally, but I get a feeling that because of the Elemation talk and the talk about the second Tail Gear we're gonna see either of those things be used to defeat this creep instead.

Fox Guildy goes on to snare her up in a giant ribbon which he then uses to... clone her... Calm down, Kevin. Remember what you're watching here.
Apparently it's not a clone, just a doll. And because he's not Lizard Guildy he can't bring it to live. Luckily for him being creepy as fuck is not a power.
What is a power of his is creating imagery of weird.. bathroom fantasies...
All the good guys have had enough of this creepy pervert and the home team tells Soji to just destroy the fake. Soji tries but complains that he can't destroy twin-tails like Tailred's even if their just copied and filled with evil. Jiggles is amazed by his words but Aika is visibly having none of that...
She eventually tells Jiggles to launch missiles are Fox Guildy or do something to prevent Soji from being molested. She eventually tells Aika to transform and admits she was the other violent and nefarious candidate. Aika then promptly beats her for her comments when Jiggles again tells her it's the truth. Aika asks why she wasn't told about all this earlier and Jiggles admits that she didn't want to put Aika in danger like she had been doing already as she is one of the dear friends she made on this earth.

Predictably she wanted to trick Soji into thinking sex would fuel is powers and tells Aika that she's gonna have to sleep with her as well to keeps things consistent.
Aika really is the character I can relate to the most here.

Anyways, Jiggles tells her the real reason is that her bust is too small in comparison to the design of the suit and Aika is none too please to hear this. Jiggles explains that the part about not dragging friends into this was true as she feels bad for making others fight her battles but Aika tells her that she'll be safer if she can defend her own twin-tails. Jiggles then agrees to give her the gear on one condition...
Aika just smacks her aside and takes the gear, transforming herself into Tailblue.

She lands in the flower field and Fox Guildy tries his ribbon trick again after she introduces herself.
She immediately breaks out of it though. Fox Guildy admits that she's very powerful.\
Then as I predicted we get to see Elemation in action. Turtle Guildy's power apparently manifests as gravity powers which she uses, along with her wave lance, to promptly kick this creepy guy's ass.
This causes him to explode, but not without one last bit of creepiness.
Thanks. I never needed that in my life.

We then cut to our protagonists watching a TV report about the fight. It's mostly gushing over Tailred until they start calling Tailblue a rip-off and Aika is obviously not happy about that. This girl can't ever catch a break...

That concludes episode three. See you for the allegedly final "good" episode next time.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!! - Episode 2

Alright, it's a bit late and I missed an update last week but let's get this thing back on schedule. It's time for the second episode of Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!!

We start out the episode with Soji being returned home by Jiggles, who tells him Aika decided to leave the two of the alone for a while... only for her to barge right in. Soji breaks up the fight and starts asking the real questions here.

Jiggles does her usually thing and Aika gets pissed off by it so I take it everything is back to normal again.

Oh... Oh geez...

So we join up with that knight dude from the end of the last episode who asks his war council what their plan of attack is... I don't think they understood him...

Alright, so... apparently the bad guys live off of the strongest kind of love, the one for Twin-Tails. And when Aika points out things like friends and family Jiggles shoots those down as instinctive and those don't count. ...Okay...

Good thing you just happened to find the only person in the world who'd do that then.
Also the Tail-Gear feeds off love as well, but for some reason there it's okay. I don't know.

We cut back to the evil council and... I swear to god...

Though, their leader seems to think they're all wonderful ideas and decides that battle is the only way to find the real winner here. Though if you ask me, there just aren't any.

(They were like that before we cut back)
Soji asks Jiggles why he turned into a girl. She tries to give him a bullshit answer at first but Aika is having none of it and Jiggles admits that she has a thing for girls? Hey, that's alright. I won't judge.

Soji then shows off a thing he got after beating the lizard guy in the last episode which Jiggles explains to be a crystallization of strength known as an Elemela Orb.

I think she needs to look up a definition of "Orb"...
Apparently the orbs are manifestations of each of the bad guy's fetishes. The lizard dude had a fetish for little girls with dolls. That's messed up...


Soji then wants to learn more about Jiggles herself...
...though it seems she can only speak through sex..

Aika is not having any of that while Soji remains surprisingly oblivious to the whole thing and asks Jiggles to explain herself normally. Weird how he's the down-to-earth one here..

Jiggles explains that her world was taken over by Ultimaguil. She tells him it wasn't destroyed, but that they took it's element of strength. And there's an arbitrary 24 hour time limit on reversing the process.

Jiggles goes on about having to build a secret base, which Soji's mother overhears. She allows Jiggles to stay and even stay in the same bed as Soji... because she dreamed of saving the world like he will do now...
And there's some thing that I don't have words for...

Aika obviously is not alright with this and tries to talk his mom out of it but she tells her this was part of her dream and she wants Soji to have a girlfriend who... well...

I'm gonna let my screenshots do the talking here because this was a fun scene.

Aika then goes to point out that Jiggles was able to create the Tail-Gear despite her world no longer having their attribute strength. Which is a good point and I'm surprised I didn't catch it. I better watch my back, she might put me out of a job. ...Not that I get paid for this..

After an amazing Jenga scene we cut to Soji who is unable to sleep due to the sci-fi stock sound effects coming from the basement. Jiggles eventually comes up to Soji and falls on him demanding a "Well done kiss" only to have Aika burst in accompanied by rock music to deliver a flying kick to Jiggles' face. Awesome.

Despite the news not covering Tailred too much, Soji's classmates seem thoroughly obsessed with her. I'm not at all surprised to see Brock there though.
Soji is logically not too happy about this, and you honestly feel bad for the guy.

Though it seems it's not limited to the guys as Erina is completely obsessed with Tailred as well even organizing a special school assembly in her honor.

Soji returns home exhausted unsure about how he's gonna continue. He tells Aika that he has time to think about it as the bad-guys aren't constantly showing up.
Only for the big bad to make a sky-hologram announcement which gets him all fired up again.
Jiggles calls in on his bracelet and tells him that he's got a new activation code for his transformation sequence, which he seems a bit embarrassed to say in from of Aika but does anyway.

This show, I swear...
Also, yes. He did fly off and explode after a single slash.

That was the second episode of Twin-Tail. I'm still having a lot of fun so far. Jiggles can get a little tiring but I really enjoy Soji and Aika dealing with the weird shit of the situation. Looking forward to the next one, see you then.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Episode 4

Why yes, this is last weeks episode.

Due to scheduling issues we weren't able to watch this episode until Friday and I haven't been able to write the post for this one until now.

We start off the episode with a surprisingly short recap and intro before jumping right in. (By now we've basically said everything there is to say about the intro so I'll be skipping it from here on out unless it turns out to be something more interesting.)

The episode starts with Maya asking Phoenix about his defense. He tells her that everyone turned him down but that he still has an idea. Though, seeing his defiance in the earlier episode as opposed to his in-game self you'd think Grossberg would step in and defend the guy. I guess that didn't happen. Hemorrhoid issues or something...

 That is a very funky looking 3D audience. And guy with the 90's haircut is there three times!
Not to mention the Fonz and his twins. I mean, at least they bothered palette swapping that woman.

The Judge asks both sides if they're prepared and Phoenix declares that he's going to defend himself. This seems to turn Edgeworth on.

Which brings me to a funny quirk of this episode's direction. It really likes close-ups of faces in this one, and I don't know why.

(And that's me cutting out a number of repeats)
As you can see there's an awful lot of Redd White in there, but that's just because the camera loves him so much. The other guys were desperately trying to out-ham him though.

But let's face it, you can't beat:

Alright, alright. No need to be so dramatic...

So, in short the case basically goes along just like the game did. What can I say? This adaptation just continues to be faithful and I liked the version of cornered we got. I do like how they lampshaded something that I was wondering about myself.

Although the fact that the Judge is that flustered by Maya/Mia's "Aura" is a bit odd considering her age. Then again, I guess she is still legal...

I do have to comment on the fact that they didn't mention anything about this being the first case that Edgeworth lost, despite that kind of being a major plot point in the series. Then again, maybe they didn't mention it until the third case in the game either...

I did also notice in this episode how useless poor Nick was. Maya pointed out the inconsistency about the light stand at first. Mia then pointed out the back of the receipt (which is true to the game) and she then saved his ass at the end as well. Honestly Maya should consider a career as a defense attorney instead.

I liked the fake out there, especially the way Mia's voice transitioned into Maya's.

Anyhow, that was the third episode. Turnabout Samurai is up next and already available, but due to more scheduling problems we might have to make it a two-parter with the second episode of that case. Regardless, I will see you all next time.. whenever that may be.